
Showing posts from 2017

The Boxton School

On a small strip between the evil swamp known as Kalil's Blunder and the eldritch Stone Forest a secret school exists for those who would have their children raised free of the malicious oppression of the Ivory Dynasty. The prestigious Boxton school has a student body of less than one hundred students with a motley assortment of teachers and guardsmen appointed or self-tasked with maintaining the secrecy and safety of the school and training the youth in what they need for when they return to the outside world. Training at the school is intense with nothing but the highest effort rewarded. Students after completing a number of years of intensive training usually move on to a variety of places, some returning home now armed with skills in personal defense, some seeking to join rebel groups working to overthrow the cruel Ivory masters. Some turning to adventuring. Not all students leave the school. Some inevitably die in accidents during the strenuous training exercises. Some fall vi